The term "disk space" is oftentimes identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these terms refer to the exact same thing - the volume of info that you'll be able to upload to a cloud hosting account. The total size of everything you have is estimated by accumulating the storage space consumed by the overall content in your account, the most apparent being the types of files that you upload. Two more things are often disregarded by the majority of people, though - e-mails as well as databases. Sizable attachments and databases of larger script-driven sites can sometimes take a lot of storage space too. To use a more common analogy, the disk space of your personal computer is taken not only by files you download, but additionally by docs you write as well as software programs you install. Similarly, various things are counted in the disk space your info employs on a web hosting server, in addition to the uploads.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

All of our cloud hosting plans were designed with the idea that too little disk space cannot be something that can stop the growth of your web sites. For this reason we have taken an approach which is not the same as the one that most website hosting providers apply - instead of making all of the accounts using a singlle server and eventually running out of disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform where the storage is taken care of by an entire cluster of servers. In this way, we are able to add more machines if they're necessary and / or more hard disks, to be able to provide extra disk space for the files of our clients. Separate clusters control your e-mail messages and your databases, so not only is it possible to develop your websites without having to worry about hdd space, but also the servers will function faster and better because each and every service has its own space and one server doesn't handle various types of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature in order to lay emphasis on that it's absolutely unrestricted. We were able to achieve that by employing an innovative, in-house built cloud hosting system, where your databases, emails and files are located on individual clusters of servers. We can add extra hard disk drives or whole servers to any of the clusters and at any time, and what's more our web hosting Control Panel was created to support this type of system. In contrast, nearly all Control Panels on the website hosting market can function only on a single server, and in spite of what many suppliers advertise, they really set up many different accounts on just a single machine. By using a semi-dedicated server package from us, you will never have to concern yourself with hdd space restrictions and you are able to concentrate on developing your web sites.