Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting
Our cloud hosting are designed with the notion to take care of the website traffic made by any kind of site that can exist in such an account. If you own one or a couple of small or medium-sized sites, you will not be limited by the monthly site traffic quota regardless of what content you may have - plain text or perhaps a great number of images, for instance. The stats inside your hosting Control Panel will provide you with elaborate data about the website traffic generated by every single web site and the amount for your account altogether. The numbers are updated live and display both the everyday and the monthly usage, so that you'll know how much data is transferred to and from your hosting account anytime. The first day of each and every month the counter is reset, but you will be able to view the web site traffic stats for the previous months, which will give you an idea how your websites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
Considering that our semi-dedicated servers are quite efficient, we've made the decision not to set any type of limit for the monthly website traffic that a given account can produce. We consider that if you purchase a website hosting plan that includes a great deal of computing power, your sites will most likely have numerous visitors and as every single visitor generates some website traffic, one can end up having inaccessible websites if there was any cap for this characteristic. With truly unrestricted traffic, you can be sure this will never happen. To save you time, you'll be able to keep track of the information being downloaded and the site traffic that is generated for every single domain with monthly, daily and hourly statistics that will inform you on how popular your sites are. You can even view unique web pages and files which have made most of the web site traffic in your semi-dedicated account.