USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

We’re collaborating with a top-class data center located in downtown Chicago, Illinois. It ensures the whole set of conditions that we need to install our custom-made internal network with its customized computer hardware parameters. The data center also offers a very good assistance team available 7 days a week to monitor the server network and provide timely help in critical conditions.

Additionally it is worth noting that the US data center boasts exceptional network connectivity with the entire world. This assures high web site loading rates for all websites and web applications operating on our US semi-dedicated servers.

USA Data Center

Web Control Panel

Handle your sites with a single click of your mouse

It’s now really easy to maintain your sites with the cutting–edge Best Web Applications that we’ve developed for you with user–friendliness into account. Coordinate your files with effortless drag–n–drop actions, register, transfer and handle a lot of domains from one and the same area, set up email accounts in an instant, manage subscriber list campaigns without a trouble, configure and access your databases with a mouse–click, control site stats live, and much more). Enhanced tools including a framework installation software, an .htaccess generation tool and a hotlink protection program are enclosed too.

Web Control Panel

Increased MySQL queries

Host active MySQL tables without problems

In addition to considerably larger CPU allocations, LeapBrowser’s semi-dedicated servers are available with a large amount of designated MySQL queries. This will help you maintain considerably more resource-intensive web applications and sites without needing to stress about any possible service disturbances.

LeapBrowser’s semi-dedicated servers include different allocations of MySQL queries, allowing you to pick the setup that fits your existing and potential database processing demands.

Increased MySQL queries

Increased CPU quotas

Significantly more power for your apps and web sites

If regular shared website hosting accounts are unable to hold your CPU demanding websites, than a semi-dedicated server is the solution for you. With LeapBrowser, you will get a semi-dedicated server with large CPU utilization quotas that’ll be equipped to support your sites and applications and prevent them from going offline in top consumption periods.

Furthermore, as you simply share the machine with several other users, even if somebody surpasses their specified CPU allocation, this won’t affect the functionality of the machine.

Increased CPU quotas

Faster Performance

Extra fast data transfer rates for your sites

We have enhanced the networking bandwidth to as much as ten Gigabits in order to guarantee superior online connectivity as well as amazingly fast speeds for your websites. Also, we have put in additional servers to improve server repairing processes and to cut down website downtimes. Our semi-dedicated servers offer you NVMe drives, that have proved to be much faster and more long–lasting than the common HDDs.

Faster Performance

Web Accelerators

Many different tools to increase the speed of your websites

In the LeapBrowser Web Control Panel you will get a set of web accelerator tools directed at speeding up your multi–media, database–loaded web pages. By caching data, these programs cut down the volume of times a database is contacted and as a result greatly reduce the server stress. This will help your web sites load at a higher speed and will decrease the bounce numbers. You will be able to pick out from a few web accelerators – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js.

Web Accelerators

NVMe Drives

Rapidly enhance the quickness of your site

Should you need to give your web page a quickness boost, all you need to do is just web host it with us. All of our semi-dedicated servers come with NVMe drives, consequently on every single server you’ll benefit from amazingly read/write data transfer rates, which will help your web site load noticeably faster.

Together with the extremely good online connectivity available from our US data center, your site will instantly start working more efficiently without the need for any improvements on your end.

NVMe Drives

24x7 Support

Email us night–and–day

You might write to us 24x7x365 with any concerns that you could possibly have about our semi-dedicated servers. You can write to us by email and by the ticket system and we’re going to respond to you in about 60 min. In reality, our average answer time is no more than 20 min. On business days, you could give us a call or use the online messaging program on our website.

24x7 Support

Remote MySQL Access

Remote connecting to your databases

In case you own a database which you would like to share over various sites positioned on different web servers and with different hosting service providers, you will be able to take full advantage of the Remote MySQL function. Using it, you can give easy access to your database to diverse sites that you trust. This is really effective in the event you own a database of clients that you would like to share among numerous online stores.

Remote MySQL Access